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Selecting a Cake for Your Child's First Birthday

Every parents has a question like “What should parents consider when a selecting a cake for their child’s first birthday” right ? and this is very common things for every parents for their child. There are a lot of things to consider when purchasing a birthday cake from a bakery. The first thing you need to do is decide what kind of birthday cake you would like.

Next you will need to decide what your birthday cake should look like, also thing about party, means if you are planning for birthday party then the party planner sometimes creates a theme so they can choose a cake to match. lets discuss some new ideas….

There are various cake available in market but today we are going to discuss special smash cake childrens birthday, lets discuss something about smash cake specially for your child birthday
For a smash cake, you want:

  • No fondant. Fondant is the really pretty, smooth icing. It makes beautiful cakes, but the kid won’t be able to break through it.
  • Small. About 1 – 2x the size of a cupcake.
  • No hard toppings (e.g., chocolate chips).
  • A separate cake for the child. It looks better for photos if it’s an untouched (small) cake that the kid has rather than a slice of cake.

Make sure you specify “no fondant.” Not all bakers will know this.
If you’re getting a real cake from a nice bakery, a smash cake isn’t particularly expensive.

Selecting a Cake for Your Child's First Birthday 1

Real Cake

Do whatever you want here. It really depends on what matters to you. This whole birthday thing is probably an annoyance to the kid. My only solid suggestion here is: buy cake for no more than half the guests. That is, if you have 30 adult guests, get a 15 person cake. Lots of people won’t eat cake, and many people will end up leave before that anyway.

But if you do want go to a fancy cake, it’s not always ridiculously expensive. You certainly can pay high for a fancy cake, but you can also pay normal cost for a pretty cool one. Obviously, at that point, you’re paying for a decoration piece, not dessert. But that’s fine if that’s how you want to do this.

It can be done for a somewhat reasonable price.

  • Go small on the cake. You don’t need cake for everyone and you can always get other desserts (like cupcakes).
  • Keep it simple-ish. You can do “sculpted” while also simple. My cake really only had one complicated design element (the mouse). The rest was fairly simple.
  • Shop around. Price estimates vary substantially. If you keep your cake somewhat simple, you can also afford to go to a slightly cheaper bakery.
  • Somewhat ignore taste. Obviously it should still taste fine, but it’s never going to be amazing. Beautiful cakes use fondant, and fondant is kind of gross.

Less complicated + smaller = cheaper.

Selecting a Cake for Your Child's First Birthday 2


Above are some suggestion but its depends upon your choice and specially your child choice. There are also different flavors available, and choice of your child’s flavors is also very important things. you can go according to that.