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Good Alternative To Tomato On Pizza?

Tomatoes are very basic Ingredients when we are taking about Pizza right ? Specially when we are talking about Neapolitan pizza. But when some do not like tomatoes then ? we have to find some alternative right ? so today we are going to discuss about tomatoes alternative which can be rally use instead of tomatoes. There are also some famous side dishes with pizza which is very good.

If your allergy is specific to tomatoes & not other nightshade plants too (eggplants, potatoes, peppers, etc.) We would suggest using a roasted red pepper puree – which would give you a similar texture/color profile; it might not be as tangy as a tomato sauce, but you can up the acidity to your liking with some citrus juice or vinegar and flavor it with other herbs/spices.

We loves to use pesto as a replacement for tomato sauce. You can buy it and even make your own pesto too and experiment with different recipes for it. It’s mostly oil and herbs (basil, oregano, parsley or others), many recipes include nuts and some have cheese like Parmesan, all pureed.

“Healthy-ish” and pizza?

What’s the point?
In seriousness, there is white pizza sauce, which is essentially butter fats and garlic.


Good Alternative To Tomato On Pizza? 1

One more options for spicy lover.. yes
If you like it spicy, you could use buffalo sauce:


Good Alternative To Tomato On Pizza? 2

I’ve had a few Thai Pizzas also that use a curry sauce:


Good Alternative To Tomato On Pizza? 3

I’ve had some of the most interesting pizza Alfredo sauce instead of tomato contains a base.

In Alfredo region that basis, mozzarella and parmesan cheese, broccoli, zucchini, pine nuts and serve a pizza in a restaurant used to be.

I use a Boboli premade pizza crust and they usually turn out very well managed to repeat.

Tomato has a flavour all its own, so I don’t think there’s a really good alternative. It also purees nicely, providing a good basis on which to build everything else. But I guess you have a problem with Solanaceae or something. If that’s the problem then peppers and aubergine/eggplant are no good either (both of which can be pureed nicely if you cook them first).

If you’re buying pizza, I don’t think they have a substitute, though it’s worth asking. If you’re making it yourself, you could maybe use courgette/zucchini (pre-cooked) to make a nice puree. The flavour is not the same, of course but you can use an extra topping or two to fill out the taste. It won’t give you the lycopeine you would have got from the tomato, but there you go.